Don’t Let Stigma Stop You From Getting The Treatment You Need
Pain meds. Marijuana. Anti-Depressants. Therapy.
So many of us out there resist the interventions we’re told will help us just because we don’t want to be judged or seem lesser than because of the help we need. I find this so intriguing because it’s almost like the ones judging us want us to get better, yet they feel like they have a right to decide the ways in which we try to do so?
The shame associated with therapy and psych meds keeps people trapped in turmoil. People stay in depressive episodes longer than they would’ve if they’d felt comfortable asking for help. Some don’t seek help for their unstable mental health until they have a full-blown breakdown.
The shame associated with pain meds, marijuana, and addiction keep people ensnared by pain. And for what?
So that people who have no idea what dealing with these issues feels like, don’t judge us?
Why do we let this trap us? Why do we let the judgment of an intervention stop us from getting it?
I’m going to tell you right now that the reason I’m here is because of stigmatized interventions. I’ve been able to cultivate happiness, be more involved with family and friends, and start my own business because of them.
So, i’m going to say it one more time.
Don’t let stigma stop you from getting what you need.
Take your meds, go to therapy, do whatever will help you feel whole again. You deserve to be happy and free. You deserve relief.
Please, go seek it♥