What Is Self-Gaslighting and Why Is It Harmful?
Gaslighting: a form of abusive manipulation that causes a person to question their own sense of reality
Gaslighting is pervasive in the chronic illness community yet it’s hardly talked about regarding how we do it to ourselves.
Everyone often attributes gaslighting to medical professionals and people in our lives that don’t understand us. You know - the ones that tell us it’s in our heads, that we’re too young to be sick, that what we’re experiencing is normal or isn’t possible, or that we need psychological help.
What’s not discussed is how we do it to ourselves, and it’s not okay.
Gaslighting is a form of abusive manipulation that causes a person to question their own sense of reality.
We do this by convincing ourselves that “it’s not that bad,” “maybe that episode didn’t actually happen,” “I’m making it up,” “I’m exaggerating,” or “Maybe it IS all in my head?!”
Due to damaging past experiences, a lot of us begin to question our own judgment. This is extremely harmful because it damages our mental health and breaks down our confidence. Knowing our bodies is important and if we ignore our own symptoms, it could potentially result in physical harm!
I promise you, none of those things are true. YOU know your body best. What you are experiencing is real, what you are feeling is real. If you think something is going on, please advocate for yourself and trust in yourself.
It’s time for you to stop the questioning, and start the acceptance.
You wouldn’t say awful things like that to someone else, so why are you doing it to yourself?
You deserve better than that♥