How Mindset Changes Begin
Big shifts come from small moments.
Changes in mindset can be hard and require commitment. They don’t occur immediately. Unfortunately, you don’t just decide that maybe a better mindset is for you one day and then suddenly you’re there. We wish, right?!
What I’ve seen most people struggle with is the HOW. They finally discover that they want to change, but they’re completely lost with where to start.
You don’t need to know the how at first, not knowing is okay. Different methods work for different people, so it might take you a little time to figure out what works best and aligns best for you. Wanting to change your mindset is a huge undertaking, but the hardest part is realizing that you need to change. I’m so proud of you for making the decision to change your life!
Big shifts come from small moments.
The start could be as simple as scribbling what you’re grateful for into a gratitude journal for 3-minutes twice a day, even if you don’t really mean it at first. With time, you’ll hopefully begin to look forward to that time where you can pause and focus on the good parts of your day for a moment.
Changing your mindset is a slow, daily commitment. The big overall change comes from spending each day doing your best to have a positive mindset and be grateful. This does not mean that you can’t feel traditionally “bad” feelings by the way - quite the opposite. It means fully allowing yourself to feel your feelings so that you can then move on and go back to gratitude.
Pushing your feelings away and trying to fight them only increases their power.
Let yourself feel sad, angry, or frustrated. There’s nothing wrong with experiencing your feelings. This way, they resolve more quickly and then you can pick yourself up with a warm bath, journaling, coloring, or whichever self-care activity you like the most. Feeling your feelings is self-care too, by the way! It’s all part of the process.
The most important thing is that you keep with it. It can be easy to give up when you feel like the gratitude journal isn’t working, or meditation is boring, or you’re “bad at it.” Those are the moments when it’s essential to find the motivation to keep going. The breakthrough will come, it just takes time.